Numismatic exhibit. from 4 May 2017

, Exhibition

Although the inception of an independent department of numismatics dates back to 1939, the history of its collections is much longer and riches back to the very beginnings of the Francis´ Museum.

The oldest entry in the numismatic inventory comes from 1816 and the first register was made in 1824. Today, the Department of Numismatics is one of the two specialized worksites in the Czech Republic focussing on the history of money and holding the second largest collection of currency. Its collection encompassing nearly 250 000 items from all over the world consists primarily  of numismatic materials  covering the period between the 7th century B.P. and today.

The core of the collection consists of materials of Moravian provenience including also coins hoards from the historic territory of Moravia. The visitors can see a large selection of historic items – from examples of Greek, Roman and Celtic coins, to medals representing the highlights of Baroque medal-engraving.