The Mendelianum exh. on 7 March 2017

, Exhibition

The Moravian Museum has the pleasure to invite you to the opening of an exhibition presenting the Mendelianum Centre on the occasion of the museum's bicentenary. The opening is scheduled for Tuesday, 7 March 2017 at 5 p.m. in the Dietrichstein Palace. 

The Moravian Museum has always been bearer of Mendel's research heritage, via the former scientific Moravian-Silesian academy – the  Agricultural Society and its Natural History Association. The Moravian-Silesian Agricultural Society, the member of which Johann Gregor Mendel (1822–1884), founder of modern genetics of worldwide repute, became in 1854, founded the museum as the country's second largest and second oldest museum institution. The Mendelianum / Moravian Museum was founded and opened to the public in 1965 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the publication of Mendel's discovery. It benefited from international support and the patronage of the Czechoslovak Commission for UNESCO. 

The scientific department for the history of biological sciences and genetics is an integral part of the Mendelianum Centre. It keeps a unique collection of ca 9 000 items and documents related to the history of genetics. The collection contains originals or unique copies of today lost archival materials and thanks to its extent and complexity it doesn't have analogy worldwide. It is an irreplaceable source for research work in the field of genetics from Mendel to the present. The core of the collection consists of really unique holdings documenting the beginnings of genetics, especially in relation to the personality and the scientific work of the founder of genetics J. G. Mendel.